
After submitting your Android app for publishing via the Client CMS Panel, the second step of publishing your Android App is to upload the app's APK file onto the Google Play Store.

You have to upload your APK when you want to make your new Android app available to users, or to publish an update to an existing Android app. If your app is removed from the Google Play Store for any reason, you need to upload the APK again after resolving the issues that got it delisted.

This article outlines how you can publish or update the app on the Google Play Store.


  • You have a published Android app and received the APK file via email.
    • If you haven't received the APK file, please follow this article: APK file not received after publishing Android App.
  • An active Google Developer Account


  • To upload your app's APK file onto the Google Play Store follow the instructions in Google's Upload an App article  

Important Notes:

  • Check out Google's help article for instructions, if needed.
  • If you are publishing an app for a public figure, a well-known company, or if you are using a company trademark, please review our Google Play Impersonation Policy article. To avoid possible rejection, we recommend submitting a statement to Google before uploading your Android app in these situations.
  • Over the last few months, Google has released a few major updates to the Console's dashboard. One of these recent updates was for Google Play App Signing.
    • When uploading your APK file, please make sure to select "Not Now" or the "Opt-Out" option for Google Play App Signing.
    • If it is enabled, this will prevent you from successfully uploading your application.
    • This is applicable to the first-time app publishes, as well as updates. 



The app will be published in Android's Google Play Store within the next 24-48 hours. Once it's published you will be able to find it using the search functionality and it will also be accessible to potential users/clients.