This feature stores all of user's push notifications like an inbox literally, allowing users to refer and track back to earlier notifications and even those that they have missed at receiving time. Within this function, they can view plain text, template and linked push notifications' content. User can also opt to only receive push notifications that they subscribed to (refer to "Subscriptions" within this feature for more).

Adding this feature:

  1. Launch full feature list by clicking on "Add +" from Create > Build > Features.
  2. Search for or scroll to and click on Messages from the feature list, click Select.
  3. Input feature name, click Add. This feature will now appear in the menu on the left.
  4. Further configure by clicking on the feature.

Modifying the feature to your preference: Content

  • Change name (Screen Info > Screen / Feature Name), this will be the feature's name in the app.
  • Choose and apply an icon to the feature (Screen Info > Feature Icon).
  • Toggle how user will access this inbox
    • Settings > Homescreen Shortcut (A "mailbox" icon will be on the homepage in the app) > Left Side OR Right Side (Have the mailbox icon on top left / right side)
    • Settings > Show Shortcut Only (The mailbox function will appear on the app's menu list, and is only accessible there)
  • Allow users to choose the lists of push messages they wish to receive only (Subscriptions > Message Center Subscriptions > Add Subscription > Input fields: List of categories > ENTER > Add Subscription). This will enable users to receive notifications that correspond to their choice, and your categorization.
  • Repeat these steps for each additional subscription.
  • Click SAVE at the top right when done.